Chromebook/School Materials Pick-up Schedule and other news

E-mail blast

If your student received an SCUSD Chromebook in the Spring, please continue to use this Chromebook. If your child needs one or is new to Pony and needs a Chromebook for the school year, we will provide you one during pick up next week.
The pick-up of school materials and Chromebooks will be in front of the school. Parents/Guardians, please bring an ID and help us follow the latest health and safety protocols, including 6 ft distancing (if walking), remaining in your vehicle and wearing face masks at all times in accordance with county and state ordinances.

Emergency Card:
During your scheduled pick-up day, we will provide you a summary page from Infinite Campus for your student. We will ask you to look it over, make the necessary changes, if any, and return it right back to us so we can update your student information in Infinite Campus.
Log-in/Technical Support- For login and password assistance, please email
Here is the pick-up schedule depending on your child’s grade level. If you have any library books or textbooks at home, please return them with you in a plastic bag during the pick-up.

Thursday, August 27th:
Pre K & Kindergarten ~ 8:00am-10:00am
First Grade ~  10:15am-12:15pm
Second Grade ~  1 – 3pm
Third Grade ~ 3:15 – 5:15pm
Friday, August 28th:
Fourth Grade ~ 8:00-10:00am
Fifth Grade ~ 10:15am-12:15pm
Sixth Grade and 4th – 6th SDC ~ 1:00-3:00pm